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  • Writer's pictureRuth

Fancy a quick blog?

So we're looking for bloggers! Any flavour, all welcome! If you live in the village and are a creative writer or an old (or do I mean ex) reporter that’d be great but we are also looking for those who want to chat and preferably those who just want to learn to blog!

This blog is where we tell those nice folk on the interweb just what we, the great and the good of Stoke Lacy are doing with all that lovely money from the Heritage Lottery Fund. Why? Well we’ve got to! It’s part of the deal. We have to share information about our heritage or, well, we don’t get the money.

So what to blog about? Well it’d be good if you would choose a particular theme of the project e.g. bells and bell ringing, history, wildlife, herbs or our village events and then just keep us all updated as the project progresses. It would be great to have photos and perhaps comments from those involved in the build, even better to have video footage. Before, during and after coverage is what we’re wanting and the more entertaining and informative the better. Jokes are always welcome.

If you just want to read the blog you need do nothing more. If you want to comment on the blog postings or if you want to be notified of updates you need to register. If you fancy trying your hand at blogging you need to register first and tell us. The more the merrier!

village church Stoke Lacy Herefordshire HLF project heritage
St. Peter & St. Paul's Church, Stoke Lacy - the heart of the heritage project (May 2018)

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